Looking for Good, Clean Summer Fun?
While children are anxiously counting down the number of school days left until the start of summer break, parents are on the clock to find healthy and fun summer activities to keep the kids entertained and occupied. It is very easy for children to slip into a routine...
Top 5 Reasons Why Rockin’ Jump Summer Camp is Great for Children
On July 3rd. 2017 Rockin’ Jump Burlington will be launching our first Rockin’ Jump Summer Camp for kids ages 5-12 for as low as $140 per week! To get everyone excited for our new summer camp, here are the top 5 reasons why summer camp is great for...
3 Events You Need To Experience At Rockin’ Jump Burlington!
At Rockin’ Jump Burlington we not only talk the talk about having activities for EVERYBODY but we also jump the jump! At Rockin’ Jump we strive to create fun and exciting events for people of all ages to enjoy. Here are currently the three events we hold...