Don’t look now but the year is almost over. It may have felt like we were just knee-deep in summer, but it will not be long before the holidays come and go and we will be singing Auld Lang Syne. If you are like a lot of people, when New Year’s Eve rolls around, you will make a resolution or two. For most folks, that typically involves something related to nutrition or weight loss. And while gym memberships (as well as attendance) almost always go up in January, by February, they level off quite a bit. There are many reasons for this – such as they can get overly crowded – but the fact that gyms are pretty dull can’t be denied. Sure, there is some good equipment that can help you get in shape, but how long can you walk on a stair machine or jog on a treadmill before you fall asleep from boredom? Fortunately, there is a better way to get in shape that has nothing to do with joining a gym: trampoline parks. While trampoline parks allow you to get an excellent workout, you also have a lot of fun at the same time. You will truly enjoy exercising when you decide to look into trampoline parks.

You can find two trampoline parks close to you

When you decide to check out trampoline parks, you will discover that no matter where you are in the Piedmont Triad area, there is one nearby. Rockin’ Jump has two trampoline parks: one in Greensboro and one in Winston-Salem. Both are just off major thoroughfares, so you will have no problem finding them. And at Rockin’ Jump, although our trampolines are the main attraction, we have other ways to get you in shape and at the same time have an enjoyable experience. At our Winston-Salem location, we make our trampolines even more fun with dodgeball and a foam pit to jump into. Greensboro has both of those features as well as basketball! If you have ever wanted to soar through the air and dunk a ball like your favorite NBA players, we have made it easy for you. In addition to the trampoline fun, both locations also have arcades and each is ready to host an event or party.

If fitness will be on your resolution list for 2017, why wait to get started? With Rockin’ Jump Trampoline Park, you can get a jump on it (pun intended) right now. When you bounce on a trampoline, you are giving your body a complete workout. Because you are having so much fun, you probably will not realize that you are working muscles in your entire body. You do not need an expensive gym to help you achieve your health goals. Just visit one of our locations and you will soon see how much better trampoline parks are. Finish the year off right by treating yourself to a day of jumping. You will feel better both in mind and spirit.